About Us

Welcome to Shake the Life Back In!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m Bridget, the blogger behind Shake the Life Back In. My husband Dave and I are about to embark on the adventure of building a custom home and thought it might be fun to document the process on this blog. As we encounter all of the ups and downs of new construction, we hope to bring you bits of wisdom that can help you along the way if you are also thinking of building a new home.

I have a long and varied background – so you never know what tips and tricks I will have to offer. From the restaurant and hospitality industry, to several years as a hairstylist, then stay-at-home momhood for more than a decade, went back to school to become a web developer/graphic designer, oh -and let’s not forget studying drafting way back in college more than two decades ago. It’s been long forty-something years! I love cooking, baking, gardening, restoring old things, designing new things, and generally just making everything pretty.

Designing homes has been a favorite pastime of mine since I was a teenager. Every floorplan I stumble upon – I tend to redesign in my head to make more efficient or add more real-life-storage. So, designing our new home with a blank slate, where I could infuse all of my wishes and needs, was like a dream come true! Throughout our building process, I hope to bring all of the ideas that have been floating around in my head, along with the many Pinterest pins I have collected over the years, and see if they turn into something wonderful!

Blogging is not my day job – so things won’t always be perfect. Between working full time, building a new home, raising our five children, and providing Thea, our fluffy little Cavapoo, with an abundance of love – I promise to do my best at sharing how we are Shaking the Life Back In to everything we do around here!